// playing with compare() and closures
import Foundation
print("actOn start")
let one = "1"
let two = "2"
func actOn(_ result: ComparisonResult,
ifLess: ()->Void,
ifEqual: ()->Void,
ifGreater: ()->Void ) {
switch result {
case .orderedAscending:
case .orderedSame:
case .orderedDescending:
actOn(one.compare(two), ifLess: {print(" string 1 < 2")},
ifEqual: {print(" string 1 == 2")},
ifGreater: {print(" string 1 > 2")})
actOn(two.compare(two), ifLess: {print(" string 2 < 2")},
ifEqual: {print(" string 2 == 2")},
ifGreater: {print(" string 2 > 2")})
actOn(two.compare(one), ifLess: {print(" string 2 < 1")},
ifEqual: {print(" string 2 == 1")},
ifGreater: {print(" string 2 > 1")})
print("actOn end\n")
print("switch start")
switch one.compare(two) {
case .orderedAscending: print(" switch 1 < 2")
case .orderedSame: print(" switch 1 == 2")
case .orderedDescending: print(" switch 1 > 2")
switch two.compare(two) {
case .orderedAscending:
print(" switch 2 < 2")
case .orderedSame:
print(" switch 2 == 2")
case .orderedDescending:
print(" switch 2 > 2")
switch two.compare(one) {
case .orderedAscending:
print(" switch 2 < 1")
case .orderedSame:
print(" switch 2 == 1")
case .orderedDescending:
print(" switch 2 > 1")
print("switch end\n")
print("compare start")
func compareComparable
_ expr1:
_ expr2:
T, ifLess: ()->
Void, ifEqual: ()->
Void, ifGreater: ()->
Void ) {
if expr1 < expr2 {
else if expr1 == expr2 {
else if expr1 > expr2 {
else {
assertionFailure("\(expr1) isn't < or == or > \(expr2)")
compare(1, 2, ifLess: {print(" 1 < 2")},
ifEqual: {print(" 1 == 2")},
ifGreater: {print(" 1 > 2")})
compare(2, 2, ifLess: {print(" 2 < 2")},
ifEqual: {print(" 2 == 2")},
ifGreater: {print(" 2 > 2")})
compare(2, 1, ifLess: {print(" 2 < 1")},
ifEqual: {print(" 2 == 1")},
ifGreater: {print(" 2 > 1")})
// trigger assertion (as designed)
compare(Double.nan, Double.leastNonzeroMagnitude, ifLess: {print("NaN < n")},
ifEqual: {print(" NaN == n")},
ifGreater: {print(" NaN > n")})
print("compare end\n")
----------- output -------------------------------------------------------
actOn start
string 1 < 2
string 2 == 2
string 2 > 1
actOn end
switch start
switch 1 < 2
switch 2 == 2
switch 2 > 1
switch end
compare start
1 < 2
2 == 2
2 > 1
fatal error: nan isn't < or == or > 4.94065645841247e-324: file forloop.playground, line 76